Check the Japan-US summit telephone talks North Korea and ...

Princess us to be one after another to escape, UAE to gather ...

Check the Japan-US summit telephone talks North Korea and ... Princess et al. The past few years, trying to escape in quick succession from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It became the person is a wife of Muhammad bin La Sid Mak Tom (Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum) UAE Vice President and Prime Minister of Dubai (0), Haya Princess (Princess Haya,). Haya Princess, in his half-sister of Jordan's Abdullah ibn Hussein current King (King Abdullah Ibun al-Hussein), but has a history of competing in the Olympic Games as Jordan representative player of horsemanship, this year, the High Court of the British London, forced marriages the protection measures that were filed for the application of the system the court order from revealed. UAE is trying to Uetsukeyo the image of glamorous and modern state for the Western, that Haya Princess and Maktoum's daughter who was trying to escape, and activists has been directed severe eye to the country's human rights problems Luo pointed out. In 000 years, it is the daughter of Mr. Maktoum Shamusa (Shamsa) princess, tried to run away stealing the eyes of aides while on vacation in the UK England.