Check the Japan-US summit telephone talks North Korea and ...

Settlements (Middle East peace)

Check the Japan-US summit telephone talks North Korea and ... Settlements (Middle East peace) Israel in the settlements settlement] is and kibbutzim (collective farms), which was built for the purpose of achieving the Jewish immigration in the country, a more large-scale development city and its origin. However, has become a problem in the current Middle East peace is the settlements Israel has built in the Jordan West Bank and Gaza Strip were occupied by year Six-Day War. Currently, about 0 to about the settlements of places 0 million people are living. Settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, unlike earlier, were often those that positioned as a metropolis of bed Town, such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is made. Because the rent was also supplied with cheap water and electricity also free, more settlements as a general residential areas has been fixed. When the Begin government of Likud is established in the year, a new settlement construction has been initiated by Sharon Nosho (now prime minister). It is, dare to build settlements in the vicinity of the cities of Palestine, it is said to have been intended to carry out the Fushoku of the Jewish population.