Check the Japan-US summit telephone talks North Korea and ...

tell me! What is the teacher [the Palestinian problem]? <Part ...

Check the Japan-US summit telephone talks North Korea and ... The Palestinian problem One of the turning point In the Palestinian problem, if the increase One of the event to be a major turning point, perhaps, ) Six-Day War (year) ) Lebanon invasion by Israel (year) ) Oslo (year) You will. Israel and the Arab countries has been repeatedly the war over the past times. When the first Middle East War (the war with Arab countries army at the time of Israel founding) has been completed, in order to Arab countries forces were eliminated, Israel territory had become. Times the United Nations of the Proposed Separation. However, Israel has dramatically expanded the territory, was the Six-Day War (the Second Middle East War so-called Suez upheaval, not described here because there is no direct relation). By Israel surprise attack, Gaza from Egypt Sinai Peninsula and the (now returned to Egypt), the Golan Heights from Syria, took the West Bank from Jordan, were great victory. However, this territory does not mean became smoothly with that of Israel (it is more of a place where effective control is followed by many, but .